Atlanta Pranic Healing Center, LLC

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Decisions Made in Anger

Have you ever regretted making a decision when it was made in the heat of things. And then the moment we cooled down... We sort of feel... Yeah, so to avoid these emoji faces in our current situations. Let's S.T.O.P. ⁠

[S]tep back. Step back from the convo.⁠

[T]ake a breath. Do a few Pranic/Abdominal breathing. ⁠

[O]pen the Heart & Mind. Whatever you can do to clear your heart & mind. Meditate, Gratitude, Reflect your feelings & Situation. Just do it, even if you don't want to.⁠

[P]aint the Picture. Now, zoom out. Does this decision match with the current situation? Is it the right dosage, remedy, decision? ⁠

Ok, now. When you are thinking clearer and calmer. Let's GO. [GO] make it right.⁠

#stopandgo #gooddecisions #atlpranichealing #pranichealing #mth #meditationontwinhearts #arhaticyoga