31 Day Meditation Challenge
31 Day Meditation Challenge
Benefits of this 31-Day Challenge
Build a good habit - They say it takes about 18 to 254 days to form a new habit, with an average of 66 days.
Positively shift the energy of the day - By doing the meditation daily, the energies get compounded each day which can positively shift your mood, energies, motivation, clarity and etc.
Leverage the group energies - Master Choa says if we meditate with 7 people in a group it is equivalent to 100 people meditating separately. Let’s help bring in more energies of each other and anchor more light for ourselves and others.
Experience diverse languages of the Meditation on Twin Hearts - Have you ever meditated with a different language/interpreted version? It’s like having a double meditation in one. So much love labor of love goes into translating the meditations. And experiencing different languages and cultures can have various positive effects in our brain.
SynErgize “Upward” - The synergy of the group’s collective motivation energies can help us get into good gear. When we gather, we can get inspired with each other, creative energies can spark, and etc. Have you ever noticed we are feeling down, and because of the collective positivity of the group’s energy, it helped raise our energies? Utilize this collective positive frequency to catalyze something within us.