Neptune Jupiter in Pisces Conjunction - Healing the Subconscious Mind

Neptune and Jupiter.png
Neptune and Jupiter.png

Neptune Jupiter in Pisces Conjunction - Healing the Subconscious Mind

from $73.00

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Judy will be offering an offline group healing on April 12 4:30am ET focused on 3 major deep emotional topics: Fears, Stress, and Trauma; i.e.

fear of failure/success, death, living your fullest potential, judgement of others, being courageous and etc.

stress of work, family, school, relationships and etc.

trauma of an incident, group of people or ideas and etc.

A rare astrological phenomena is happening on April 12 (9:43am ET). Neptune and Jupiter will meet Pisces (in conjunction). Sensitivities, spirituality, creativity may get amplified and activated for the next few months. And some that are sensitive may have already felt it for the last few weeks, some wonkiness, some shadow work and some opportunities to look at what has been surfacing. You can leverage this energy line we do on Full Moon and Wesak to be mindful of our emotional body and mind. Stay positive and true… practice inner purification for the next few months deeper but especially on April 12.

Here’s a site that may be helpful to learn more:

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