Learn to rapidly and safely remove negative emotions, traumatic experiences, phobias, addictions and stresses that are lodged in the energy body. Other skills taught in the course: 

  • Self-healing for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety.

  • Repair damaged or cracked protective webs in the chakras to prevent future imbalances.

  • Remove negative programming that could be holding you back from success.

  • Shielding techniques to protect your chakras.

  • Extract and disintegrate negative energies and patterns of problems such as compulsive behaviors, phobias, addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, food and sugar, and even depression.

  • Clear the aura of old thoughts and emotions.

Prerequisite: Basic Pranic Healing, Level 1

Course Fee: 

Early Bird: $375 (3 weeks or earlier of date) , Regular Price: $400, At the Door: $425

Review: $75

Course Schedule, Atlanta:

FRI 6:30pm - 10pm & SAT 9am - 7pm



April 3 & 4

Sept 25 & 26

Dec 4 & 5

[New] Pranic Psychotherapy Student
from $375.00
[Review] Pranic Psychotherapy Student

More information: info@ATLPranicHealing.com or 470.333.APHC.